Thursday, May 08, 2008

I'm An Official!!!!

So, Dave and I are big fans of Will Farrell. Especially in "Blades of Glory". If you will recall the portion of this particular film where he is in court to be stripped of his skating rank, he encounters the lovely Miss Nancy Kerrigan. His character, Chazz Michael Miachaels, leans over and asks her, "Hey Nancy, are you an Official?" The ensuing line is where the fun begins. I can't repeat it, as this is supposed to be a "family" blog, but you can download the movie and see for yourself. Dave has taken to walking around the house ever since we've seen it asking me, "Honey, are you an Official?" with an extra wink wink. I erupt every time! Never gets old. 12 years of marriage and I still think he is the funniest thing walkin'. So, this takes me to my first post. I've finally succumbed to the pressure of blogging. I can now honestly say that I AM an offical. I have to admit, I have thought of blogging as kind of cheesy; in a long drawn out showing-off Christmas card/letter enclosed with all the many accomplishments of myself and lovely/perfect children sort of way. I have secrectly (and not so secretly) made fun of bloggers for a long time now. I guess it's time to repent and ask forgiveness as I now find myself unable to resist any longer. I am slightly embarrased! Am I a sell-out? For sure. A big shout out to Brittany McCulloch for helping me set this baby up! Hope I can make her proud.


Lindsay said...

I'm so glad you have joined the ranks of bloggers. Now we can be friends forever! Blogging makes it so easy to stay in touch with people (even if they live down the street).

*b said...

wow...whoever helped you get this set up must be one amazing and HOT chick! you're doing so great already...glad you finally joined all of us blog losers... ;)
